Insurance Services
All Type Insurance Services in Dubai
Looking for health coverage for your employees? We are providing health insurence in the UAE
Any business in the UAE that meets the below criterion must register,The total value of their taxable supplies made within the UAE exceeds the mandatory registration threshold over the previous 12 month period, or
They anticipate making taxable supplies with a value exceeding the mandatory registration threshold in the next 30 days.
The mandatory registration threshold is AED 375,000.VOLUNTARY REGISTRATION
Any business in the UAE that meets the below criterion MAY register (and does not fall under Mandatory Registration threshold),The total value of their taxable supplies or taxable expenditure in the previous 12 months exceeds the voluntary registration threshold, or
They anticipate that the total value of their taxable supplies or taxable expenditure will exceed the voluntary registration threshold in the next 30 days.
The voluntary registration threshold is AED 187,500.